Tropperz Gamez
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 1 HIT SG Gosong,Puter,Spash + Burst AWP Kayu,Dragonov, PSG,Magnum + 1 HIT K2

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Jumlah posting : 15
Join date : 24.06.11
Age : 28
Lokasi : bandung

1 HIT SG Gosong,Puter,Spash + Burst AWP Kayu,Dragonov, PSG,Magnum + 1 HIT K2 Empty
PostSubyek: 1 HIT SG Gosong,Puter,Spash + Burst AWP Kayu,Dragonov, PSG,Magnum + 1 HIT K2   1 HIT SG Gosong,Puter,Spash + Burst AWP Kayu,Dragonov, PSG,Magnum + 1 HIT K2 I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2011 9:59 am

download disini [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Credits :
[-] b!LLkRaZ
[-] Andre DK

Greetz to :
[-] Andre DK
[-] rifqi@N3
[-] Sapta Agunk N2
[-] All member N2
[-] All member N3

Feature :
[-] 1 HIT SG Puter
[-] 1 HIT SG Spash
[-] Burst AWP Kayu
[-] Burst AWP Dragonov
[-] Burst AWP PSG
[-] 1 HIT K2

Hotykey :
[-] Auto On

[-] Buka PB Launcher
[-] Buka Injector
[-] Start PB
[-] Klik b!LLkRaZ
[-] Isi Password
[-] Tunggu Sampai Timbul Notice
[-] Klik Ok
[-] Klik resume

Nb :
[-] Harus install vcredits & NetFramework
[-] klo bugtrap coba gunakan metode flasdisk
[-] kalian harus Copas D3DX9_43 di C:\WINDOWS\system32
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1 HIT SG Gosong,Puter,Spash + Burst AWP Kayu,Dragonov, PSG,Magnum + 1 HIT K2
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